1st Free
Real Estate Network in Costa del Sol.

Feugiat primis ligula risus auctor egestas augue viverra mauri a tortor iaculis magna feugiat mauris ipsum viverra tortor and placerat gravida purus pretium dolor primis libero

Welcome to Realtivo,
largest real estate network in costa del sol

From SEO Friendly and Mobile Responsive Real Estate Websites, from listing integration to lead generation, CRM to transaction management, and eSignature, Realtivo Dashboard is the most complete digital tool kit for estate agents in Spain. We provide cutting-edge solutions for estate agents, helping you streamline your business and boost your success. With our innovative tools and expert guidance, you can stay ahead of the competition and take your agency to new heights. Discover the power of RealtySoft and unlock your true potential today!

Trusted by these real estate firms and more...

Free Websites for Real Estate Agents
in Costa Del Sol in 3 Days

A modern search dashboard for buyers

90% of buyers coming to your website bounce of because of conventional search that is hard to keep track of and share short-listed properties with someone you want to add talk to about making decision

Search, filter and short-list but Page does not refresh

See short-listed properties list right inside page, look at the details and again. Compare and share all at once to WhatsApp or shareable links

What Makes Realtivo Different?

A professional website that you'll love. Fast, mobile optimized, and SEO ready!

Modern Design

All our websites have the leading security features installed, including automated daily back-ups.

CRM System

Win more deals with the all-in-one Real Estate CRM platform designed for your business.

Mobile Optimized

You’ve got a great website, now you need to get seen! We focus on getting you the exposure you need.

SEO Ready

All our websites have the leading security features installed, including automated daily back-ups.

Largest Network

Maximise conversions within your database. Implement engaging campaigns, drive traffic and leads to your website.

10,000+ listing

All our websites have the leading security features installed, including automated daily back-ups.


Maximise conversions within your database. Implement engaging campaigns, drive traffic and leads to your website.

Social Media Marketing

Highly effective, cost-efficient and results from day one. Reach new and existing demographics around the world!

Most advanced yet simplest crm

When you inquire with any high-achieving real estate agent about their most essential tool, the one they can't function without, chances are they will point to an excellent real estate Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. Nevertheless, with numerous real estate CRMs available, determining the ideal fit for your specific requirements can be quite challenging.
Built for real estate agents of all sizes, Odoo CRM provides industry-leading sales process management, property management,
and automation for real estate agents, developers, and brokers. Win more deals with the all-in-one Real Estate CRM platform designed for your business.

Powerful Functionalities

Power-up your real estate business with Realtivo’s advanced tools and gain a competitive edge.

Our Real Estate WordPress Plugin features customisable search forms and property displays. The plugin is not only super fast and reliable but also comes with full 24/7 ticket support from a team with over 10 years of experience providing top-quality, SEO-ready, and Mobile Friendly Real Estate Websites.

Resales Online and Inmolink Integration

Resales Online and Inmolink Integration.Import all your properties in seconds.Enables real-time updates and access to data.

Resales online
customizeable XML export

Collaborate with other agents.Get access to otherwise impossible deals. Lead Generation

Advanced Search and
Comparison Options

New property emailnotifications.Download custom branded PDFs.Share properties with other network agents


Join 100S Entrepreneurs who've received a stunning website for free.

With a professional website for your business, potential clients are 76% more likely to buy from you. That's right. Having a website is absolutely critical to getting people to trust you. But hiring a web agency to build your website can run you anywhere from $5,000-$20,000. That's why we're here.

As part of our free-website program, we've helped thousands of entrepreneurs since 2019 to get a professional website for their business-for free.

amount we charge


Have Questions? Look Here.

Aliquam a augue suscipit, luctus neque purus ipsum neque undo dolor primis libero tempus, blandit a cursus varius at magna tempor

1. Getting started with Realtivo

Etiam amet mauris suscipit in odio. Integer congue undo metus. Vitae arcu mollis blandit ultrice ligula egestas andmagna suscipit lectus magna suscipit luctus blandit

4. How to manage my account?

Cubilia laoreet augue egestas a luctus donec diam curabite vitae dapibus libero. Quisque tristique neque a blandit justo aliquam molestie a nunc sapien justo, aliquet and molestie purus venenatis aliquam eget lacinia odio velna.

2. Why it is free?

An enim nullam tempor sapien gravida donec ipsum enim an porta justo integer at velna vitae auctor integer congue undo magna at pretium purus pretium ligula

5. I have an issue with my account

Praesent semper lacus sed cursus porta, feugiat primis luctus in ligula eros ac ligula massa in faucibus orci luctus ultrices posuere ante ipsum primis in faucibus odio.

3. How to get Free Real Estate Website?

Feugiat eros, ac tincidunt ligula massa in faucibus luctus orci ultrices posuere cubilia curae. Sagittis congue augue and egestas sapien justo aliquet egestas magna

6. Can I use Realtivo in my language?

Praesent semper, lacus sed cursus porta, feugiat faucibus primis orci luctus tincidunt ligula ultrice at sapien

Talk to us via whatsapp

Not technically savvy? Never had a website built for you before?
Don’t worry. We’ll guide you step by step through the process with videos and clear instructions as we work together to build you your dream website.

© 2024 – 2025 Realtivo. All Rights Reserved

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